Having the proper auto insurance coverage will assist you in getting back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by accident, fire, theft, or any other covered peril. Your policy can also provide protection against medical and legal expenses resulting from injury, loss of life, or property damage caused by an accident involving your vehicle.
At Clark Carroll Insurance Agency our carriers can offer the following lines of insurance to help assist and protect you (click to learn more):
Illinois Liability Insurance Coverage:
Imagine the worst automobile accident you have ever seen... Imagine the liability the person that caused that incident faced. Having liability insurance will benefit you financially, legally, and personally by offering coverage for medical payments to injured drivers, passengers, or anyone else involved in the accident.
On top of that, property damage is covered, and should you have any legal costs as a result of an accident, your liability coverage helps with legal costs you may incur while defending yourself in court.
Liability insurance is very important and it's crucial you purchase the correct amount of liability coverage. In the unfortunate event that you or a family member are in a serious accident your liability policy is designed to protect you and your family's financial well being.
Liability coverage provides two kinds of protection:
Bodily Injury: Covers medical expenses as well as legal expenses you have from a liability claim. This also provides coverage should you be held liable for loss of income and pain and suffering of an injured claimant.
Property Damage Liability: Covers damage you cause by running into property of someone else. This could be damage to another driver's vehicle, a fence, or a building that is damaged during an accident.
What many people fail to realize is that carrying a minimum amount of coverage means that in case you exceed your limit, the remaining amount of damages will be paid from your pocket which can be quite costly.
The best way to protect yourself from incurring unexpected financial loss, in case of an accident, is to buy a car insurance policy above the minimum limit as stated by law. In order to choose car insurance policy that suits you best, first you need to understand the various types of automobile coverage insurance available.
How will Comprehensive Coverage benefit me?
This coverage is commonly referred to as “comp coverage” or “other than collision” and is added coverage to your auto insurance policy that covers damages to your vehicle that are not the result of a collision.
Some common types of incidents that may lead to needing “Comp Coverage” could be:
Hitting an deer
Glass breakage
Falling objects
Water Damage
While this coverage is not legally required, you may find the need for it if your car is financed or you want to protect your vehicle to the fullest.
How does insurance work if I hit something with my vehicle?
Ever worry about what kind of costs you could rack up at the body shop if you or your teenage driver accidentally ran into another vehicle or backed into a cement pole?
Collision coverage pays for damage caused to your vehicle in an automobile accident when you are "at fault."
Standard collision coverage will pay for any repairs up to the fair market value of your car. By placing collision coverage on your auto policy you will only have to pay up to your deductible to make your car look like new again.
Uninsured Motorist & Underinsured Motorist Coverage:
Having liability insurance is a requirement in Illinois. However, just like many other rules & laws, not everyone chooses to obey and follow this mandatory requirement to carry auto liability insurance.
So what does that mean for you?...It means you should avoid getting into an accident with those people!
While you would be able to sue the uninsured driver for damages that you sustain in an accident, it is likely that the amount of damages you sustained will far outreach the value of that individual's assets and you will be left to pay the bills (medical, lost wages, and fixes to your vehicle). Often drivers that do not carry liability insurance do not have many assets that you could make a claim against, thus there maybe no benefit in suing the driver.
While we strongly suggest our insureds carry the proper amount of liability coverage to properly protect their assets, some companies steer people to buy minimal levels of liability coverage or "state minimum" requirements.
So what does that mean for you?...It means you should also avoid getting into an accident with these underinsrued drivers as well!
Even though they have coverage their insurance company will stop paying once they hit their limits of liability coverage. This means if you sustained serious injuries you could be left to cover a large portion of the bill. If you suffer serious injuries you probably won't be able to work. Yet, you would have to cover the cost of your large medical expenses while you are unable to generate any income.
The solution to this problem is to have the proper uninsured and underinsured motorist liability limits on your policy. In our previous examples the benefit of carrying uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is that your insurance company will pay for your medical expenses up to your policy limits, rather than not at all (uninsured example) or above and beyond the underinsured driver's limits (underinsured example)
Roadside Assistance Insurance
Have you ever been on a long road trip or been in a vehicle that your were not exactly sure would get you to your destination (maybe in a snow storm)?
Roadside Assistance coverage can help your mind rest and focus on getting to your destination safely. By offering several different towing packages we can help you get your vehicle safely to a place where it can receive the attention and even get you back on the road quickly with Rental Reimbursement Coverage.
Is Rental Reimbursement worth the extra expense?
Ever seem like car problems hit you when you need your vehicle the most?
Rental Reimbursement is an optional coverage that will provide coverage for the expense of a substitute vehicle. This added coverage pays for the costs of a rental car in case your vehicle is damaged in the event of an accident. In today's fast paced and busy world it is nearly impossible to get by without a vehicle. There are many different options offered by all our insurance carriers. If you ever fear being without a vehicle then this is the coverage for you!
Medical Payments Coverage:
Even minor car accidents can result in major medical expenses.
The Medical Payments coverage on your auto policy can provide coverage should you or your passengers be injured while a member of your family is driving. This will provide coverage for medical or funeral expenses after a car accident.
You are covered regardless of fault by this coverage as well. This coverage will also cover you if you are struck by a motor vehicle while walking or while you are on your bike.
Classic Car Insurance
Have a unique car that you need unique coverage for? Clark Carroll Insurance Agency can cover all your:
Collector Cars
Antique Cars
Classic Cars
Custom Built Cars
Race Cars
Vintage Tractors
Modern Insurance for Your Classic Car:
It takes more than age to make it a classic. A collector car isn’t just a way to get around. It’s an investment that will continue to appreciate in coming years.
Not all classic or antique cars are used the same, so Clark Carroll Insurance Agency will work with you to select the appropriate policy to accommodate coverage needs, miles driven, vehicle age, and vehicle modifications to make sure you have the best policy to meet your needs. Here are some features you should look for when shopping for classic car insurance:
Agreed Value: This means the provider will pay you the full (agreed to) amount in the event of a covered total loss, less any applicable deductible. This type of coverage is much better than “actual cash value” or “stated value” that you may get with some companies.
Low Rates: Why pay full-time insurance when you driver your collector car only part-time.
Coverage Options: Not all collector cars are the same, so Clark Carroll Insurance Agency can work with you to determine the right amount of coverage to meet your specific needs.
Generous Mileage: You’re proud of your collector car, so drive it. Not all insurance companies have a mileage limit, but most collector cars should be driven less than 5,000 annual miles to maintain their value.
Roadside Assistance: Whether you’re down the street or on a classic rally through the mountains, you’ll want to find coverage that will flatbed your car to the closest qualified repair facility.
Do you need the insurance for your prize Mustang, Camaro, Charger, Corvette, Thunderbird, or other collector car? Talk with Clark Carroll Insurance Agency today to identify the best combination of coverage, value, and price for you. We can help make sure your insurance continually meets your needs. Give us a call today at 815-244-1570.
We can provide coverage from agreed value to spare parts coverage that won't leave you disappointed.
Auto Insurance Discounts:
Besides a wide variety of coverges and providers to chose from, we can assist you in obtaining proper coverage by offering many discounts. We will actively search and apply any of the following discounts for you:
Accident Prevention Courses
Air Bags
Anti-Lock Brakes
Anti-Theft Device
Driver Training
Good Driver
Good Student
Higher Education
Diminishing Deductible
Accident Forgiveness
Minor Violation Forgiveness
...and many more!
If you’re involved in an accident without car insurance, you’re looking at high out-of-pocket costs, injury liability – even serious legal issues.
Having your vehicle insured is simply the responsible thing to do. Auto insurance helps to reduce or cover property damage costs, replacement parts for your car as the result of an accident, medical expenses from injuries, road-side assistance, and much more. Since policies vary with protection options, it’s important to talk to Clark Carroll Insurance Agency to create a policy that insures your needs.
Clark Carroll Insurance Agency provides Auto Insurance solutions around the area of Mt. Carroll, Lanark, Shannon, Milledgeville, Chadwick, Lake Carroll, Savanna, Thomson, Pearl City, and many more areas in Northwest Illinois. And even Iowa!